
The LemnaTec Academy

The LemnaTec Academy was established to transfer knowledge within the global phenotyping community. Over nearly two decades, LemnaTec has built up a huge knowledge base relating to plant phenotyping which covers digital imaging, image processing and data analysis techniques. Our interdisciplinary teams support the entire application life cycle with training, workshops and consulting services.

The LemnaTec team of phenotyping experts offers a variety of training and consulting services. Please contact us to identify the service that meets your demand.

Dr. Marcus Jansen
Application Scientist – Biologist

The LemnaTec Academy on Youtube

LemnaTec Academy Posts

Combined multispectral and fluorescence imaging

By |July 8th, 2021|Categories: Application Cases, CaseStudy, Physiological Phenotyping, Science|Tags: |

Combined multispectral and fluorescence imaging [...]

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