Looking for compounds with herbicidal activity, a fungus (Curvularia intermedia) was isolated from Pandanus amaryllifolius leaves, where it caused wilting symptoms. After isolating fungal metabolites, curvulatin and derivatives, toxicity was proven using a Lemna growth inhibiton test. LemnaTec software enabled growth analysis to figure out effective concentrations of the compounds. Future tests should show whether the substances are suitable for use in weed management.

Meepagala, Kumudini M.; Johnson, Robert D.; Duke, Stephen O. (2016): Curvularin and Dehydrocurvularin as Phytotoxic Constituents from Curvularia intermedia Infecting Pandanus amaryllifolius. In: JACEN 05 (01), S. 12–22. DOI: 10.4236/jacen.2016.51002.