PhenoAIxpert ES successfully launched at the University of Amsterdam

Since we delivered a PhenoAIxpert ES to the Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS) in Amsterdam recently, researchers started their first experiments with the system. With the two cameras mounted inside the PhenoAIxpert ES, they can image both, the growing plants and the bioluminescence emitted from the bacteria that colonize the plants.

With this data the researchers can follow the colonization process in living plants by determining when and where the bacteria are present in the plants. The bacteria use hydathodes as entry point and hydathode colonization can be visualized with the PhenoAIxpert ES. The real-time tracking of the bacterial invasion in the plants is an important step in gaining new scientific insights into plant-microbe-interactions.

For such studies statistics are crucial, so researchers need high numbers of samples to compare plant genotypes, bacterial strains, or treatment groups. With the PhenoAIxpert ES, the SILS researchers can handle now more than 2400 plants per experiment and obtain an automated and unbiased score of disease severity.

Image credit: University of Amsterdam, Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS), Molecular Plant Pathology, Dr. H.A van den Burg