
  • Ellsworth, Patrick Z.; Feldman, Max J.; Baxter, Ivan; Cousins, Asaph B. (2018)
    A genetic link between leaf carbon isotope composition and whole-plant water use efficiency in the C 4 grass Setaria
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  • Fahlgren, Noah; Feldman, Maximilian; Gehan, Malia A.; Wilson, Melinda S.; Shyu, Christine; Bryant, Douglas W.; Hill, Steven T.; McEntee, Colton J.; Warnasooriya, Sankalpi N.; Kumar, Indrajit; Ficor, Tracy; Turnipseed, Stephanie; Gilbert, Kerrigan B.; Brutnell, Thomas P.; Carrington, James C.; Mockler, Todd C.; Baxter, Ivan (2015)
    A Versatile Phenotyping System and Analytics Platform Reveals Diverse Temporal Responses to Water Availability in Setaria
    Molecular Plant - 8(10) 1520–1535, DOI: 10.1016/j.molp.2015.06.005

  • Baxter, Ivan (2014)
    Drought Studies in Setaria using the Bellwether Foundation Phenotyping Facility at the Danforth Center
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