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    Unraveling root and rhizosphere traits in temperate maize landraces and modern cultivars: Implications for soil resource acquisition and drought adaptation
    Plant Cell Environ - 47(7) 2526–2541, DOI: 10.1111/pce.14898

  • Genze, Nikita; Vahl, Wouter K.; Groth, Jennifer; Wirth, Maximilian; Grieb, Michael; Grimm, Dominik G. (2024)
    Manually annotated and curated Dataset of diverse Weed Species in Maize and Sorghum for Computer Vision
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  • Khan, Nazifa Azam; Cieslak, Mikolaj; McQuillan, Ian (2024)
    Importance of realism in procedurally-generated synthetic images for deep learning: case studies in maize and canola
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  • Steiner, Franziska A.; Wild, Andreas J.; Tyborski, Nicolas; Tung, Shu-Yin; Koehler, Tina; Buegger, Franz; Carminati, Andrea; Eder, Barbara; Groth, Jennifer; Hesse, Benjamin D.; Pausch, Johanna; Lüders, Tillmann; Vahl, Wouter K.; Wolfrum, Sebastian; Mueller, Carsten W.; Vidal, Alix (2024)
    Rhizosheath drought responsiveness is variety-specific and a key component of belowground plant adaptation
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    Integration of high-throughput phenotyping, GWAS, and predictive models reveals the genetic architecture of plant height in maize
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    Characterization of Physical and Biochemical Traits in Wheat and Corn Plants Using High Throughput Image Analysis
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    Fenotipo de plantas de maíz con efecto del herbicida mesotrione
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  • Tung, Shu-Yin; Köhler, Tina; Wild, Andreas J.; Steiner, Franziska; Tyborski, Nicolas; Pausch, Johanna; Lüders, Tillmann; Müller, Carsten W.; Vidal, Alix; Carminati, Andrea; Vahl, Wouter; Groth, Jennifer; Eder, Barbara; Wolfrum, Sebastian (2022)
    High-throughput phenotyping of 38 maize varieties for the study of rhizosphere traits affecting agronomic resilience under drought stress 
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  • Rossi, Riccardo; Costafreda-Aumedes, Sergi; Summerer, Stephan; Moriondo, Marco; Leolini, Luisa; Cellini, Francesco; Bindi, Marco; Petrozza, Angelo (2022)
    A comparison of high-throughput imaging methods for quantifying plant growth traits and estimating above-ground biomass accumulation
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