Seed germination testing

Seed and seedling counting, seed and seedling quality assessments


The PhenoAIxpert Family offers application-oriented and flexible solutions for many phenotyping tasks

Unlocking the potential of root phenotyping

Imaging and image processing for the analysis of roots and root systems

Multispectral and fluorescence imaging for physiological phenotyping

Multi-view imaging in a series of wavelength combined with options for fluorescence imaging


Bioluminescence as reporter for gene activity, plant-microbe-interactions and more

Image taken by customer: University of Amsterdam, Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS)
Molecular Plant Pathology, Dr. H.A van den Burg

LemnaTec Product Matrix

Which product best suits my requirements?

Reliable data in toxicology

Physiological Phenotyping


Why do we phenotype roots

and how can we do this


Seed purity

our toolbox is ready


We bought a LemnaTec LabScanalyzer on July 2018. The instrument was delivered to us and installed remotely by a Lemnatec technician that instructed us about the use of the instrument. We were happy about the service: very good communication and excellent instrument set-up. The Lemnatec LabScanalyzer works nicely and is even more user-friendly than we expected. Almost no training of new users is needed. We hope to expand the uses of the instrument to obtain additional phenotyping options in the future, by interacting with LemnaTec.

Prof. Pierdomenico Perata
School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy
Institute of life science

We bought a Lemnatec Scanalyzer PL (today offered as LabScanalyzer) on June 2016. The instrument was delivered to us and installed personally by Lemnatec technician that instructed us about the use of the instrument. During two years, we evaluated and analyzed different species of plants under abiotic stress using RGB cameras and analyzed with LemanGrid software that is a magnific tool to determinate the morphometric traits and color segmentation. We were happy about the service: very good communication and excellent instrument set-up.

Dr. Daniel Padilla Chacon
Colegio de Postgraduados
Campus Montecillo

At the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture in Freising, Germany, we have been using a LemnaTec Scanalyzer3D (today offered as Conveyor Scanalyzer) system, which we named 'the moving fields facility', almost continuously since April 2013. This conveyor belt system has enabled us to phenotype simultaneously the above- and belowground biomass production of various crops, most notably barley, maize and potatoes. As such, the moving fields facility has successfully been at the core of various projects on drought stress, fertilizer reduction and plant-microbe-interactions.

Dr. Wouter Vahl
Bayerische Landesanstalt für Pflanzenbau
Institut für Pflanzenbau und -Züchtung (IPZ)
Freising, Germany


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